Hong Kong Dollar

About us

Fackel Ecommerce Limited is actively developing Hong Kong's largest 24-hour online shopping platform to provide Hong Kong people with one-stop services, including entertainment, online shopping, logistics delivery and customer service.

Core target

Experience what it's like to compete, win and crush your opponents
Experience the joy of introducing and applying technology to benefit the people
Meet the needs of self-realization and give full play to personal potential
core value

1. Continuous improvement
1.1 Even though the process of change is often painful, we are constantly looking for opportunities to innovate change in our lives and within our company, whether in products, services, work processes, or ourselves.
1.2 We encourage "trying". We regularly change everything that can be changed, even if temporarily unforeseen benefits are not foreseen.
1.3 Even if there is only one unresolved customer complaint, we can't sleep or sleep.
1.4 We are committed to discovering and enhancing personal abilities to make life full of color.

2. Go ahead
2.1 We lead the development of the industry and never follow the trend. We set industry practices, standards and conduct.
2.2 We would rather challenge the difficulty than accept the easy success.
2.3 We entrust ourselves to bold and fearless challenges.
2.4 We appreciate, support and reward risk-taking decisions.
2.5 As leaders of the people, we have the responsibility to lead the development of society, putting the public interest first.
2.6 As pioneers, we may be complained about moving too fast and not being accepted by the public, especially at the beginning.
2.7 We never give up, never fear, we are always a group of enterprising "young people".

3. Direct action
3.1 Communicate directly, honestly and transparently with colleagues.
3.2 Action-oriented. When a decision has been made, the whole company is united in working towards the goal (this does not equate to "team spirit").
3.3 We encourage direct communication from top to bottom and reject anyone who deliberately hides or conceals.
3.4 We are against office politics. do not waste time!

Eagerly Desired Value

1. Integrity
1.1 Integrity is the cornerstone of any decision
1.2 Keeping promises
1.3 Fair dealing

2. Our employees must be shrewd, competent, and demanding
2.1 Everyone has different talents. Some people are more savvy at work.
2.2 We need a group of employees with similar talents to build "team spirit".


No one believed that we could build the largest online shopping mall in Hong Kong and successfully promote the development of e-commerce in Hong Kong, so that Hong Kong would no longer lag behind the neighboring regions/cities.

In the retail market, many large companies or chain stores think that the Hong Kong market is too small, too convenient, and there is no room for e-commerce. We are just hopeless lunatics who can only survive for a short time at most, and then we will be forced to sell Lose the company and assets; eventually, Hong Kong TV will disappear from the market.

However, our rapid growth over the past three years has gradually proven them all wrong! Our future results will confirm that our current investment plans and strategies are correct. We will prove that we are right!

Our team will continue to be known for making everything possible. Parents and schools follow our example and teach the next generation what it means to "never give up", "attitude training", "willpower" and "hero".

We will be the first choice for our customers, employees and partners. They will come to us before reaching out to other platforms.

All staff will receive professional development and training. We offer an opportunity to develop a personal career, not just a job. We have nurtured a strong service-oriented corporate culture. Our management will be more mature, knowledgeable and experienced, and are often invited to speak and exchange experiences at university management courses and industry events.

Our families share our pride, achievements and contributions to the region. We are respected by our competitors, customers and governments. The best recent college graduates are eager to apply to us. When they know the value we create for the world, they will be willing to work enthusiastically. They know that, aside from the monetary rewards, this is a place where they can fulfill their lives.

We will become one of the most well-known e-commerce companies in this region, with products and services ranging from online shopping, entertainment, logistics and delivery to customer service; what we provide is not a general retail or online shopping product supply, but an "experience" ”- How to make customers’ lives richer!